Stratford upon avon hero - super hero - Yayger man. Best pub in Stratford-upon-avon


The Yayger Man

Based on the people’s childhood dreams, my local favourite pub came with this brilliant idea. Therapy after a hard day needed? Yayger man at your service…

Basically they do allow this man to hang around and listen to them winging and do a yayger bomb with them when they finish winging.

He is wearing a cape. Dressed in green, obviously with a mask like Robin like say, but green. Also could have a cameltoe but he holds a randomly shaped sweetpotato in his underwear.

- I can’t stand it anymore! This manager is just unbelievable man…

- Yayger man is here to listen! Spill it out son...take it off your chest…

- Well...she said that I gave her sandwiches cut in half instead of cutting them in 4 triangles. 2 big symmetrical triangles and 2 small symmetrical triangles…

- Aha! I see! 

- ...bloody egg mayo sandwich!

Yayger man turned around nodding at everyone. It was very silent and you could hear few people gasping when they heard “egg mayo”...

-Now that you got it out of the chest...cheers! yayger bom’! Drinks on you!

Everyone is cheering. The shots went down in  seconds.

- Forget about it! Take care!

Next guy in the row started howling:

- My mind is blown! I am completely I am part of this trend of males with desires of enlargements...I just got enlightened by a line said in the famous Every Given Sunday speech by Pal Alcino “the inches we need are everywhere around us…”...

- Maaan! That’s just taken out of context, someone said from the side.

Yayger Man dismissed him sharply:

- Hey! Hey! He is not talking about the liberal media...can you hear yourself? “Is taken out of context”. He just said that it is coming from F Pal Alcino. Cheer up man! If it is coming from Alcino it must be true! Come on! Yayger bom’! Drinks on you!

Everyone cheered up and the shots went down quickly.

That’s how hours could pass joyfully in the location. With aid from Yayger Man.

- Yayger man! I’ve been banned from a r/afunny group for sharing my satire short stories-original content. It is so annoying, I said.

- Ah! Cheer up man! They are just biased people censoring whatever they like. For your consolation I heard they are only pleased with what they do with their hands to themselves. Ha ha ha! Yayger bom’!Drinks on you!

- Drinks on me and satire on them! Let’s enjoy the bitter taste of this comedy pinata called life! I concluded for the night.

This is a satire and should be treated accordingly. Any resemblance to persons, institutions or situation is purely coincidental.
